iPhone is the most popular of all mobile devices and brand on a global scale. As popular as the brand is, the numbers of users equally make up for the large number of queries about the use of the device. There are several things the queries are raised about, yet there is one that keeps popping up way to often on the internet- queries regarding the iPhone photo library , such as way to download and delete photo from iCloud.
The iPhone photo library is something that a large number of users find baffling. There are several aspects that the iPhone users feel unsatisfactorily informed about. One major question that is put by a lot of users is ‘How to download photos from your iCloud memory?’
Here are a few reasons as to why the need of download the iCloud photos might arise:-
To free up memory held by high resolution pictures and saving them elsewhere.
Protecting important images
Protecting the data and creating a back up elsewhere.
Whatever the reason might be, if you wish to download the pictures from your iCloud memory, here are the steps that you need to follow:-
There are several apps available for the task, for instance, the CopyTrans Cloudly. Once you have the app downloaded on your phone, the next move is to login the app with your apple ID and password.
Once you find yourself logged in to app, wait until you see all your data or images load up in the iCloud library. The pictures shall soon be visible to you in your screen and thereafter, you shall find options to download and delete the pictures.

Having the option of both delete and download, now you are free to use the pictures as you want to. In case you wish to download all the pictures in a single go in order to save all your important data, click download and all the pictures shall be downloaded on your device. Once you have downloaded the pictures now you can create a back up elsewhere and can delete the pictures from the iCloud memory.
It will create a recently deleted folder on your device. The deleted pictures shall be stored in it for 3-40 days ad shall later be automatically deleted forever.
On the other hand, if you have to be selective about the images to be downloaded, make sure you take the other way around. In this scenario, you’ll have to reach the iCloud.com and login with your apple ID and password.
In this case, you shall see an option to select the images individually that you wish to take action on. Choose each picture carefully and proceed with downloading the image on your device. This way you easily get to handpick multiple pictures in a single take and to download and delete them from your icloud memory.
The process is as easy as it can be, you just have to follow the above given simple steps to download or delete photos from icloud memeory.