What is scalability? To answer this question, one must first understand the concept of scalability. Scalability is the capacity to change, grow, or increase in size, efficiency, or scope at any time during a better of higher operational needs. Therefore it is a must for sustaining business development. Moreover, it is pertinent in both product and non-product oriented business management and operational approaches.
Basically, scalability in business is a combination of four key elements; resilient infrastructure, scalability across devices and networks, powerful software, and highly relevant configuration management. Resilient infrastructure is all about data centers and data feeds as well as servers that are designed to withstand extreme weather conditions. Scalability across devices and networks refers to the capacity to scale up or down depending on the need. Software can be developed to add new features as needed, and new software installation processes can be efficiently optimized. Finally, highly relevant configuration management ensures the continuity of the scalability project.
Scaling in business can be either large-scale or small-scale, and the nature of the scaling will largely depend on the underlying technologies, programming models, and business applications. Large-scale scalability refers to adding new processing power, better memory, faster Ethernet, bigger hard drives, greater storage densities, better networking or more physical hardware. Smaller scale scalability occurs when adding or replacing software or changing the operating system. The advantage of scalable architecture is that it provides increased availability, better performance, and reduced cost.
As an example, the Internet has many components with scaling verticals including the content delivery network (CDN), enterprise search, video, social media, mobile device access (GSM / CDMA), enterprise payment and banking, real-time internet access (RIA), content delivery, desktop service, and more. These verticals are increasing their usage and influence in terms of their influence on the overall scalability. Although there are some concerns about Internet scalability due to the large number of technologies that can potentially be deployed, the Internet also provides a number of low-end solutions like desktop services, file storage, and the browser-based Java. These low-end solutions are not considered as significant players in the Internet in terms of scale, however, these technologies play a critical role in the provision of services and computing infrastructures necessary for the Internet to function.
Another question that needs to be asked to answer the question ‘What is scalability?’ is how does demand evolve over time, given the present level of available infrastructure, and what will be the implications for the different levels of demand? In other words, what are the infrastructures that are developing to support the expanding demand, and what are the infrastructures developed to support the contracting demand? This is important since it will help us understand what scalability means, since demand is one of the driving forces behind the development of the infrastructure and therefore, it is likely that if the demand grows beyond current capacities, then scaling becomes very important.
Thus, in a broader sense, we can say that scalability is a balancing act between the demands that organizations have and the infrastructural capacity that organizations currently possess. It’s a delicate balancing act that requires systematic planning and systematic execution. This leads to some interesting issues, such as horizontal scaling, vertical scaling, and looking at an industry-wide perspective. Horizontal scaling occurs when the focus is on adding additional capacity above the existing capacity, leading to added profit for the organization. Vertical scaling occurs when the focus is on adding additional capacity below the existing capacity, leading to less profit for the organization.
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